How do I use Color Mask Maps in Clo3D?
The mask map itself is not directly applicable to Clo3D software, however, you can use a sbsar file in Clo3D which allows you to change each color very easily.
Kindly see the details below.
1. At the Property Editor Window, please choose "Substance" for the Material option, and open the sbsar file of a preset you'd like to change its colors.
Then you will see new parameters as below which are all adjustable.
2. Please drop down the options under the following section: Custom Properties > Base Color Mask Maps
3. When you click a color box that needs to be changed, a Color Window will pop up.
Now you can change every color that each mask map originally shows by adjusting numbers in the 4 types of codes(RGB, HSV, CMYK, and Hex) or simply picking a new color on the color palette.
For your information, as you may already know, sbsar file itself does not have any physical properties, but you can import the actual physical properties just by opening the zfab file of the same preset at the Physical Property section.
Please also make sure that some parameters under the Material section(ex. displacement map parameters, reflection parameters, and etc) may need to be adjusted on your end in order to see a similar texture expression which is optimized in zfab.